Reteach Breech
with Dr Stu Fischbein |
Whether planned or unexpected, breech presentation occurs in 3-4% of term pregnancies and at higher rates if preterm. Twins represent 3% of all pregnancies and half of those will have at least one of the twins in breech presentation. Properly selected term breech presentation is a reasonable, safe and evidence supported option. Breech vaginal delivery is a core skill that every obstetrician or midwife should feel comfortable with.
Dr. Stuart Fischbein has been assisting families with birthing for over 40 years. He trained in an era where breech was considered just a variation of normal. Current obstetric training programs have abandoned teaching this core skill and rely heavily on cesarean section as the only alternative without informed consent or concern about the short and long term consequences to the baby, the mother and the mother’s future babies. Reteach Breech is a two-day seminar created by Dr. Fischbein which offers hands-on training and didactic teaching about breech and twin birthing and informed consent as well as an explanation as to why the medical model sees breech vaginal birthing but not cesarean as synonymous with risk. This course is open to anyone interested in advancing their skills and honoring birth options. If you are a midwife, doula, other birth worker, medical student, resident or practicing physician you will, at some point, encounter a situation where knowledge of breech, breech extraction and internal podalic version techniques may be lifesaving. We hope you will consider joining this Reteach Breech workshop. |
“Dearest Stu, Some times life gets away from me and I turn back to realize that someone in my life has given me a gift. This is what happened for me and my partners as we realized recently when we had a surprise complete breech at our birth center. After the mama safely delivered her baby and we had all taken a huge breath of relief, the first thought I had was “Thank you, Stu”. thank you for re-teaching breech. Thank you for allowing me to follow you around assisting you and learning from you. Thank you for always showing up for my clients, even when they couldn’t afford you. Just thank you. This Pinard’s Horn is a small token of my gratitude and the gratitude of our midwives here that you have influenced.”
“The existing evidence regarding the optimal management is imperfect and, even if there was a prospective trial of significant magnitude, there remains an element of the equation to which it is impossible to assign a statistic or number, the individual woman’s feelings. For some women labour is an integral and treasured experience of pregnancy, something to be looked forward to, and achieving a vaginal delivery a life event of enormous magnitude. For others, delivery is an unwelcome bridge that has to be crossed and the option of a caesarean section may appear to be the answer to quiet prayers. The answer must surely be to offer individual choice after appropriate consultation based on existing data, allowing time for reflection before arriving at a final decision.”
photo by Maggie Ehrig
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